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Change hostname back to *

giannisgiannis Member
edited July 2020 in General Discussions
Hello, i have changed my server's hostname, but now i would like to revert it back to *
Is this possible? I don't mind reinstalling the OS, if that would be my only option.


  • WilliamWilliam Moderator
    edited April 2019

    unfortunately, it is not possible to change the server's hostname back to *** Before changing the hostname in the client area is notification about irreversible changing. Also this information is provided on our knowledgebase in guide for the hostname changing:

  • William, could you explain this more please.  I'm interested in this but I've seen the warnings and don't want to mess it up.

    I have my domain pointed to the IP address and all looks okay.  When I change the hostname it looks fine and I can get it to resole so I think I'm good to go.  I can see that the hostname reverts to *** if the the VPS is rebooted.  So I guess it has to be changed in the Dashboard to reflect the Hostnbame I've given the VPS?

    IF I have something wrong and I cannot revert back to the original hostname then what can I do?  
    Can we give the VPS another *** hostname if I manage to get something wrong?  Why can't it be reverted back to the original?

    New to this and before I DO change the Hostname I would like to make sure I get it right.

  • GiedriusGiedrius Administrator
    edited April 2019
    Hey Adrian,

    firstly, in order to permanently change the hostname of your VPS, it must be done via Clients Area page (from the Dashboard). If you change the hostname via SSH, it will not be permanent and the hostname will be restored the original one (***

    The procedure of changing the hostname is described in our knowledgebase:

    Also, we want to clarify that once you order a new VPS, the system will name it under temporary hostname (*** and if you change it via Dashboard, you will not be able to restore it back. 

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