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How to Install Git

LawrenceLawrence Member
edited May 2017 in Linux Applications


Git is a an open source, version control system that is used for software development and other version control tasks. As a distributed revision control system it is aimed at speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows.

Official project website:


Like always, first of all, we recommend to update your server. It can be done simply executing:

apt-get update

Now we can install git using apt-get:

apt-get install git-core -y

At time when this tutorial is written newest version in Time4VPS repositories is 2.7.4. You always can check your git's version with command:

git --version


After installation we can start configuring git, first of all you need to setup your user for git. We will use user test with email address test@domain.tld for this tutorial:

git config --global "test"
git config --global "test@domain.tld"
If you forgot or want to change some details you always can modify git's configuration file:

nano .gitconfig


That's it! You had installed and set up git on your server.


  • can you please do a tutorial to install gitlab?
    I have a lot of problem to install
  • GiedriusGiedrius Administrator
    like we answered on the other thread you posted. We will try to add the Gitlab installation tutorial in the nearest future.
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