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[CWP] Installation of CentOS Web Panel

ValentineValentine Administrator
edited November 2019 in Web hosting control panels

CentOS Web Panel (CWP) – a free web hosting control panel designed for quick and easy management of VPS servers minus the chore and effort to use ssh console for every time you want to do something, offers a huge number of options and features for server management in its control panel package.

The tutorial was prepared with our "CentOS 6" template and is meant to work on our self-managed virtual private servers.

0. Preliminary requirements:
Freshly installed "CentOS 6" or "CentOS 7" template (before installation we recommend to make it minimal);
Minimum of 1024 MB RAM.

1. Server preparation

Before installing CWP we have to perform system update:

yum update -y

After the update we recommend restarting the server:


2. CentOS Web Panel installation

There are two possibilities to install CWP. One with MySQL and the other with MariaDB. First, we have to do download installation script:
For CWP installation on CentOS 6 you should perform the command:

cd /usr/local/src


sh cwp-latest

For CWP installation on CentOS 7 you should perform command:

cd /usr/local/src


sh cwp-e17-latest

Please be patient because the CWP installer can run more than 30 minutes. And after installation is finished we recommend to restart your server once again:


3. Log in to your CWP

After server reboots you will be able to access your CWP instance with browser:


Default logins will be:

Username: root
Password: your root password

For additional configuration instruction and information, please check CWP wiki/documentation site at:



  • Can you use 2 web panels simultaneously (e.g. webmin and centos web panel) on a vas to see which one better suites without resulting in conflicts/problems?
  • ValentineValentine Administrator
    It shouldn't be possible to have multiple panels on one server. You just have to try them one by one.
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