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Ubuntu 16.04 bugs


I found some weird things in Ubuntu 16.04 which I think are dependent by provider/creator of OpenVZ image. I configured OS back in August (standard 2 GB plan VPS), but didn't manage to post bugs here, so firstly I will list ones I remember. Here are first two:
  • OpenVPN problem with systemd config - removing of LimitNPROC solves problem - more here and here
  • When I want to start/stop/... some service with systemctl and I write "sudo systemctl status open" and press TAB, I get some weird messages instead of suggestion for service

Any feedback on this would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • ValentineValentine Administrator
    first one appears to be an OpenVPN installation bug.

    Regarding the second as we understand system do not suggest service because that is how it mean to be. However could you provide us with an example of a screenshot?
  • janslojanslo Member
    edited January 2017
    There is a bug on Ubuntu 16.04 template with systemd-timesyncd. Firstly the problem is because systemd-timesyncd.service has parameter that prevents starting it on containers:


    The solution for this part of problem is here:
    However, this still doesn't resolve problem at all because when trying to start it with ...
    sudo systemctl start systemd-timesyncd
    ... results in something like this:
    Aug 01 10:31:02 ingarill systemd[1]: Failed to start Network Time Synchronization.
    Aug 01 10:31:02 ingarill systemd[1]: systemd-timesyncd.service: Unit entered failed state.
    Aug 01 10:31:02 ingarill systemd[1]: systemd-timesyncd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Aug 01 10:31:02 ingarill systemd[1]: systemd-timesyncd.service: Service has no hold-off time, scheduling restart.
    Aug 01 10:31:02 ingarill systemd[1]: Stopped Network Time Synchronization.
    Aug 01 10:31:02 ingarill systemd[1]: systemd-timesyncd.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
    Aug 01 10:31:02 ingarill systemd[1]: Failed to start Network Time Synchronization.
    I copied this "error" part from where similar error is described (I don't think it is connected to ours at all).
    So that's what I discovered so far, hopefully enough for helping me resolve the problem. Thanks in advance!
  • Thank you, we will investigate this case.
  • Hello,

    janslo said:
    There is a bug on Ubuntu 16.04 template with systemd-timesyncd.
    This is not a bug. For us everything is working:


    Local time: Wed 2017-01-11 15:47:58 EET
    Universal time: Wed 2017-01-11 13:47:58 UTC
    RTC time: n/a
    Time zone: Europe/Riga (EET, +0200)
    Network time on: yes
    NTP synchronized: yes
    RTC in local TZ: no

    There is some warnings, but application does not fail to start and work as it should be. And take a note, that you pointing to articles where is Arch Linux, not OpenVZ Ubuntu 16.04 OS.
  • Figured out what's the problem acutally. You may have permissions to do time sync on KVM, but not on OpenVZ if nodes don't have sys_time capability.

    The only solution for this problem is to enable sys_time capability to OpenVZ nodes or to maintain correct time on main OpenVZ machine. Here is the description of problem:
  • LawrenceLawrence Member
    edited April 2019

    unfortunately it is no possible to enable it on OpenVZ based servers.

    However it is possible on KVM based servers. There is more information about KVM based servers we offer:

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