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Odoo installation in CentOS 7

ValentineValentine Administrator
edited May 2017 in Web Applications

Odoo (formerly known as OpenERP) is a suite of enterprise management applications. Targeting companies of all sizes, the application suite includes billing, accounting, manufacturing, purchasing, warehouse management, and project management.

The tutorial was prepared with our "CentOS 7" template and is meant to work on our self-managed virtual private servers.

0. Preliminary requirements:
"CentOS 7" template installed on server;
Fully updates server software (yum update -y);
"Nano" text editor installed (yum install nano -y).

1. Server preparation
Before installation of PostgreSQL and Odoo we have to fulfill some prerequisites. For that use commands:

yum remove httpd sendmail bind -y

yum install epel-release -y

yum update -y

2. PostgreSQL installation
After successful first step we are now ready to install PostgreSQL:

yum install postgresql-server -y

For proper function we have to initiate PostgreSQL data base by following these commands:

su postgres

/usr/bin/initdb -E UTF8 -D /var/lib/pgsql/data -U postgres


And for finishing installation we start PostgreSQL and enable it at server restart:

systemctl start postgresql

systemctl enable postgresql

3. Odoo installation
Now that we have everything we need for Odoo we can install it on our VPS. for that we first add Odoo repository. Create a new repo file and paste the content:

nano /etc/yum.repos.d/odoo.repo
name=Odoo Nightly repository
Install Odoo:

yum install odoo -y

After installation is successfully finished we have to edit "openerp-server.conf" file and create our master password. Open a file and change the line:

nano /etc/odoo/openerp-server.conf

And change the line accordingly:
admin_passwd = Your_password
After these changes we are now ready to start our Odoo instance and enable its start-up:

systemctl start odoo

systemctl enable odoo

We are now ready to open our Odoo system and finish its installation. open your favorite browser:


And finish the setup:

That's it. You are now ready to build your own Odoo system.

More information and documentation of Odoo can be found at -
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