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Is there different locations to choose for the VPS?

I've just found the Storage VPS line, and I've found that it's a very good choice as a backup solution, really good price. 
I would like to have two differente Storage VPS, in order to have my backup duplicated (redundancy). However, I've noticed that there is no option to choose location. Are alle the VPS in the same location? If that's the case, would it make sense to have two Storage VPS for redundant bacup in the same location? Wouldn't make more sense to have one in a different location, just in case something goes wrong?


  • GiedriusGiedrius Administrator
    Thank you for your question. Firstly, let us clarify that all of our servers are located in our Datacenter in Vilnius, Lithuania. So all of our servers are in one place.

    In general, when server is ordered it is created in a random node, however if your Storage server would end up on the same node, we could transfer one of your server to a different node, which would make them more secure, if some hardware failure happens.

    For more security, you could have 2 backup servers within 2 different providers.

  • You may also want to consider the approach that I am using (early stages of implementation):  use a single Storage VPS as both a Backup Server and Staging Area, and as the most recent copies of the Backup, i.e. - last night's and the night before's.  A second copy and all older Backups are sent to Object Storage.  I use B2 from BackBlaze, as it offers immediate access, free uploads and $0.005/GB/month in U.S. dollars.  I use Duplicity (free Linux software, which directly supports B2) to do the (incremental forever) backups to B2.
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