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yes, as you said, we have plans to start supporting "Dockers" at this summer. We will announce about it on our website immediately after it's done.
Will it be supported on your OpenVZ based VPS only, or you'll be introducing KVM based VPS at the same time? I've tried Docker on OpenVZ based VPS, and the experience was really poor.
Unfortunately plans to introduce KVM (as well as Dockers support) has been postponed to autumn. We will provide more information about this shortly.
good news! We support Dockers on our KVM based servers.
The KVM servers are pretty much expensive.
Basically its much more reason to find VPS OpenVZ 7 hosting instead.
Docker can be installed only on our KVM servers.
We use Nextcloud in a 2 TB storage VPS in our society and I have another one running privately. We both desperately try running Collabora Online, which requires docker.
I know docker is supported in KVM servers but that's not the right ratio of storage, computation power and cost for a private file sharing server
Are there any plans to enable the installation of docker within the storage VPS? I read that OpenVZ supports docker in one of the newer versions:
I'm pretty sure the combination of a storage VPS and Nextcloud/Collabora is a common thing and there might be a lot of people that may profit from docker support.
Best regards,
since the current version of OpenVZ we use in Standard and Storage VPS is coming to end of its life, we are now testing the newer version of container-based virtualization, which would support newer kernel, this would allow using Docker in all the packages that we offer. There is no ETA at the moment.
Awesome! We're really looking forward and are happy about any updates
Best regards,
I need OpenVZ 7 for Docker and snapd too among other things.
Our Container VPS are running on OpenVZ 7 and should have no problem using Docker and snaps.