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OS Templates Update

It’s been a few months since our OS templates got an upgrade, but it is finally out. We hope you enjoy trying them out!

New OS templates

* Fedora 22 (64-bit)
* Fedora 23 (64-bit)

Updated OS templates

* CentOS 5 (64-bit)
* CentOS 6 (64-bit)
* CentOS 7 (64-bit)
* Debian 7 (64-bit)
* Debian 8 (64-bit)
* Scientific Linux 6 (64-bit)
* openSUSE 13.1 (64-bit)
* openSUSE 13.2 (64-bit)
* Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit)
* Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit)
* Ubuntu 15.04 (64-bit)
* DirectAdmin (CentOS 6, PHP 5.5) (64-bit)
* Webmin (CentOS 6, PHP 5.5) (64-bit)
* ISPConfig 3 (Debian 7, PHP 5.4) (64-bit)
* VestaCP (CentOS 6, PHP 5.5) (64-bit)
* cPanel & WHM (CentOS 6, PHP 5.5) (64-bit)
* Filer (CentOS 6, Rsync, FTP, Samba) (64-bit)
* Remote Desktop (CentOS 6, VNC) (64-bit)
* ownCloud (CentOS 7) (64-bit)

Removed OS templates due to EOL

* Fedora 21 (x64)
* Ubuntu 10.04 (x64)
* Debian 6 (x64)


  • Hi,

    one question is owncloud ver. 9 ?
  • Hello,

    at this moment we are using Owncloud version 8.1.6. However you are able to update it manually after installation.
  • Hello.

    May I know when the new templates are going to be published?

    Someone said on summer on my email, but still no updates.

    Thank you.
  • nipenk said:

    May I know when the new templates are going to be published?
    Someone said on summer on my email, but still no updates.
    Thank you.

    It should be introduced this week, no later then 2016-08-12.
  • Any possibility for an upcoming Arch Linux image?
  • ValentineValentine Administrator

    Any possibility for an upcoming Arch Linux image?

    Unfortunately at the moment we have no plans to include this OS as a template to our servers.
  • And what about Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?
  • nqservicesnqservices Member
    edited August 2016
    Lawrence said:

    It should be introduced this week, no later then 2016-08-12.


    Are the templates already updated?

    EDIT: Just checked now in client are and it seems OS templates are not yet updated. Today is already 14/08/2016.

    Please update them as soon as possible and if possible please add Minimal OS versions. The Minimal OS versions is something really important to have.


  • ValentineValentine Administrator
    Hello everyone,

    starting today we offer Ubuntu 16.04 OS template.
  • Ispconfig is to 3.1 version, with many new features, can you update OS Template ?
  • Is possible to have a updated owncloud image  with version 9.1 since version 8.1 soon will became unsupported ? Also a guide to enable ssl on owncloud will be great !

    also  I suggest next webmin default configuration on port 10000 should be configured with self-signed certificates and listen only on https.
  • pcitalia said:
    Is possible to have a updated owncloud image  with version 9.1 since version 8.1 soon will became unsupported ? Also a guide to enable ssl on owncloud will be great !

    also  I suggest next webmin default configuration on port 10000 should be configured with self-signed certificates and listen only on https.

    We plan to replace ownCloud with NextCloud in coming month. Regarding Webmin - thank you for notification.
  • inshainsha Member
    When its going to be released nextcloud instead owncloud ?
  • cezcez Member
    Please add NextCloud image :)

    ps. Current ownCloud image doesn't work out of the box (support ticket sent)
  • RomanRoman Member
    cez said:
    Please add NextCloud image :)

    ps. Current ownCloud image doesn't work out of the box (support ticket sent)

    Thank you for suggestion. We already fixing ownCloud OS image.
  • Please add nextcloud
  • ValentineValentine Administrator
    edited April 2019
    Phones said:
    Please add nextcloud
    Currently we are still working on nextcloud image. In the mean time you can easily install it using our instructions at:

  • Hi,
    The OS list have Webmin (CentOS 6, PHP 5.5) (64-bit) and CentOS 6 (64-bit) as different options. So when I install only CentOS 6 (64-bit) or CentOS 7 (64-bit) so do I need to install Webmin separately? If yes how and if no, so how to access Webmin?
  • WilliamWilliam Moderator
    The Webmin (CentOS 6, PHP 5.5) (64-bit) option in the OS list is our already prepared template of the Webmin. Other than the Webmin (CentOS 6, PHP 5.5) (64-bit) OS template does not have Webmin included and you would be required to install it manually. 
    Unfortunately, we do not have prepared a guide on how to install the Webmin manually, however we have to introduce such guide in our plans. 
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