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[FASTPANEL] Getting started with FASTPANEL

ValentineValentine Administrator
edited February 2021 in Web hosting control panels


FASTPANEL is a simple and powerful server management panel that allows you to create sites in a few clicks, manage mail, databases, backups, plan tasks, and analyze traffic. Set and configure access rights as you like - each site can be assigned to a single user. To improve the security of your account, connect two-factor authentication.

More information can be found on an official web page:

Demo version can be tried here:

FASTPANEL template

In Time4VPS you are able to install FASTPANEL template really easy and fast, only with few mouse clicks:

1.Login to the Client Area;
2.Select at the top of the menu the "My Services > VPS" tab;
3.Press the "Manage" button at the service table;
4.Press the "Install OS" button;
5.Choose operating system, agree with the warning, and press "Continue";
6.Wait for 5-10 minutes and refresh the VPS management page.

FASTPANEL template contains:

  • Debian 10
  • Apache 2.4
  • NGINX 1.18
  • PHP 7.3
  • MySQL 5.7

1. Login

FASTPANEL uses 8888 port, so to connect to the control panel on your internet browser enter:


On your first login, the Panel will ask you for a license. In order to get one, simply enter your email address. The license data will be sent to your email address.

Log in details for the first attempt to log in are:

Username: fastuser

The password for the "fastuser" user matches the "root" user password. It can be found in your VPS management page under the Login Details tab.

You can find official FASTPANEL documentation here.

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